In our sanctuary, in our homes, in our prayer and fellowship, in our community,
St. Christopher's is alive and well. Join us.
Worship Times by Conference: Sundays: 8:00 a.m. service will be on Zoom only, small group bible sharing at 10:00 a.m., worship in person at 10:30 a.m. (Click here to access the Service Bulletin), and live streamed on our YouTube channel (Click here to access Online Giving). Igbo Language services are held on the first and third Sundays of each month at 12:30 pm. Tuesday night Bible study at 7:30 P.M. on Zoom. Click on Who We Are to get a feel for what St. Christopher's is all about.
Upcoming Events

A Holiday Prayer for the Grieving
Loving God, it is the time to gather at homes to be with one another and celebrate life and your goodness. But some won’t be at the table this year. Some voices won’t be heard on the phone; some arms will not embrace us, because they are no longer of this world. How we miss them! These days feel odd and incomplete, somehow wrong, because of loved ones no longer here. Our feelings are jumbled: grieved; numb; sad; angry; fearful; all in the midst of times set aside to enjoy.
Remind us, Gracious One, that you are always near. Please show us your love. Comfort us and provide us with strength. Give us a will to keep journeying on in spite of our losses. In Jesus’ name we pray,
Dear St. Christopher's Family, Friends and Neighbors,
We all long to put the Covid pandemic behind us. While we are returning to more of what we used to do, we're still living under its sway. Perhaps as much as any time in history, the unchangeable, loving nature of God and the perspective and guidance found in the Christian faith, shared in community, are providing us with comfort, strength and refreshment. Won't you join us?
Among the things we have found to be really helpful are:
Corporate Worship. The hearing the sacred texts, confessing, praying and hearing the Word of God preached for our time together with others refreshes us each week.
Read and study the Bible. It provides real strength and wisdom.
Cultivate relationships that you know bring out the best in you.
Take time to be quiet, turning off all noise and distractions and being still for several moments each day.
Find ways to do good to other people. Each kind act makes the world a little bit brighter, and helps the doer.
Exercise frequently, in outdoor air if possible. It's good for body and mind. A simple daily walk can really improve your total well-being.
Eat healthy food as much as possible.
Practice Covid safety measures such as wearing well-fitting masks, getting vaccinated, practicing social distancing, washing or sanitizing your hands frequently, and staying home if you are sick. Avoid crowds.
Pray, Pray, Pray some more. Communing with God keeps your relationship strong and channels God's love into your life and the world.