
What you can expect in worship
St. Christopher’s uses Episcopal/Anglican worship traditions. This means we have multiple Bible readings at each service, according to the Revised Common Lectionary, and that the whole congregation participates out loud in certain parts of the service. Ushers will hand you a program for the service and a hymn book when you come in. Most services include Holy Communion, or Holy Eucharist. Anyone who has been baptized is welcome to share this sacred meal with us. In the middle of the service we take time to greet each other. There is also a time when visitors may introduce themselves if they wish. We change our liturgy seasonally to keep it fresh and to allow us to enjoy liturgies from around the world.
On 1st Sundays we recognize and bless birthdays and anniversaries.
On 2nd Sundays our offertory includes praise choruses, percussion and dancing in the African tradition.
On 3rd Sundays members are invited to share faith stories and testimonies.
On 4th Sundays we have a healing service.
On 5th Sundays at 10:00/11:00 AM our Youth lead the service.
8:00 AM
Our early service is quiet by design. All the essentials of the service are present, but there is no music. A couple dozen of our parishioners attend this service more than any other, because it suits their schedules and/or temperament. This service is currently being conducted remotely via Zoom.
10:00/11:00 AM
This is our main service starting at 10:00AM via Zoom and in-person worship; it includes organ, piano and our Jubilate Choir. Here you will find our love of singing and prayer and our lingering in worship. The songs intentionally draw from different cultural traditions.
Igbo Service
On first and third Sundays of the month in the afternoon, we hold our Igbo language services. Bible readings, prayers, and sermon are all in Igbo.
Wednesday Evening
At 7:30 pm on Wednesdays we have an informal Compline/Night Prayer and, after consideration of scripture passages, we spend time openly praying individually for our church, for one another, for whatever God has laid on our hearts. The prayer service portion begins at 7:30pm, but the lines are open at 7:00pm for a laid back fellowship time with other members of the church. We especially want people who may work on the weekends to have an opportunity for corporate worship. Lay members take leadership at this service.
Eating and drinking
St Christopher’s members enjoy providing food for our members and guests. Pre-pandemic, parishioners took turns preparing and serving a full lunch after the later service. We encourage our guests to stay, eat and talk with us so we look forward to resuming this fellowship.