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Inside Ministries


 Acolytes assist the worship leader during the service

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The Altar Guild prepares the materials and the sanctuary for worship.

Adult Study of the Bible is held on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. As supporting resource for our study, we use a study guide. Our main focus will be the Bible text, using the support of the recommended study guide and other resources members find helpful in grasping the intent of the Bible text. The guides chosen have questions that help to draw out the Bible text.

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The Order of the Daughters of the King are a group based in prayer and service

Hospitality plans, provides and sets up our wonderful meals.


Coffee Hour

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The Jubilate Choir and the African Praise Choir lead the congregation in singing

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Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers read the Bible lessons and serve the wine at Communion

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Ushers greet people as they enter, hand out worship aids and direct any movements of people during the service.

Sunday School educates children from kindergarten to middle school nine months of the year.

Our St. Christopher's youth made two visits to the New Carrollton Metro station in 2018 where they talked and prayed with passer-bys and invited them to our church. 

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Youth Group teens meet periodically for fellowship, projects and leading worship

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